Wednesday, January 21, 2009

American Tinola

American Tinola

Pronounced: Tee-no-la... my version of comfort food. I had to improvise since some of the main ingredients my mom used was not available to me.
The original ingredients for filipino tinola is as follows...



  1. Saute garlic, onion and ginger in oil for 30 seconds over med heat.
  2. Add chicken and saute until chicken meat turns white. Add fish sauce.
  3. Cover and simmer until chicken is almost completely cooked (7-10 min.). At this point, there will be a fair amount of broth, since all the juices from the chicken are coming out.
  4. Add chicken broth (I usually add 3/4 cup and that gives me a pretty good, concentrated flavor. my mom adds a little more than a cup, and the flavor is much mellower and sometimes I add more fish sauce at the table. really, you should just experiment).
  5. Add chayote and simmer for 5 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
  6. Serve over rice.

Now my version is almost the same but I changed a couple of things.
Here's my ingredients..



  1. Saute garlic, onion and ginger in oil for 30 seconds over med heat.
  2. Add chicken and saute until chicken meat turns white. Add fish sauce.
  3. Cover and simmer until chicken is almost completely cooked (7-10 min.). At this point, there will be a fair amount of broth, since all the juices from the chicken are coming out.
  4. Add water (I usually add 3/4 cup and that gives me a pretty good, concentrated flavor. my mom adds a little more than a cup, and the flavor is much mellower and sometimes I add more fish sauce at the table. really, you should just experiment).
  5. Add potato until tender.
  6. Add Kale and simmer for 5 minutes

  7. Serve over rice.

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